New videos and factsheets

Vetboard Victoria is pleased to launch a suite of new videos and factsheets for veterinary professionals and members of the public which can be viewed below. These resources were produced by the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC). They explain the common principles, concerns and mindset shared by Australian and NZ veterinary regulators. The aim is to build a greater understanding of contemporary veterinary regulation across the whole veterinary sector.

The first video below introduces veterinary boards and what they do. For members of the public, two videos and factsheets cover how to raise concerns about delivery of veterinary services constructively and the veterinary boards' approach to concerns about veterinary practitioners. For veterinary practitioners and team members, four videos and factsheets cover:
  • What happens when a complaint about professional conduct is made? The approach, general process and possible outcomes of a veterinary board investigation
  • What can you do now? Approaching a professional conduct investigation constructively
  • What happens if practice is impaired by a health issue? Veterinary boards' approach to regulating veterinary practitioner health
  • How can you prevent a veterinary board complaint?

We encourage animal owners and members of the public to watch these videos before raising concerns about a veterinary practitioner with the vet board. We also encourage veterinary practitioners to view these resources together with team members. A shared understanding of these topics across the whole veterinary team helps everyone to deliver professional services confidently and support each other effectively.

Who are the veterinary boards and what do they do?


What happens when a complaint is made?

What can you do now?

What happens if your practice is impaired by a health issue?

How can you prevent a vet board complaint?


How to raise your concerns about a veterinary service

What happens after you make a complaint?