Renew your practising licence before 31 July 2024

The licence renewal period for veterinary practitioners in Victoria ends on 31 July 2024. If you intend to practise in 2024-25, please apply to renew your registration following the instructions below.

Registration fees for the 2024-25 year have been fixed with a 6% increase. This will maintain and strengthen the Board's ability to regulate the profession and ensure protection of the public and animals in Victoria. The Board continues to review its processes and operational expenditure to ensure optimal cost-efficiencies. We are aware of the prevailing economic climate and have made provisions for those in hardship. If you wish to discuss your specific circumstances, please contact us before renewing. More information: Vetboard Regulatory fees

If you do not intend to renew your registration, you can surrender your registration by completing the following form: Registration surrender request

If you wish to convert your general registration to non-practising registration, you can complete this online application form: Non-practising registration application (scroll down below intro text to find the form).

How to renew

For best results use a laptop or desktop computer.

  1. Sign in to your account:
    • Username: {#Credentials.Login}
    • Password: if you have forgotten your password, click the 'Forgot Password?' link to create a new password. Check your spam or junk mailbox if you do not receive a password set-up email.
  2. Click the 'Renew now' button then proceed through the following pages (clicking Save/Next at the bottom of each page):
    • Confirm account information: update contact and practising details if they have changed (to see changes, refresh page or sign out and sign back in again
    • Consent to Board's information collection, use and disclosure
    • Complete renewal declaration: answer each statement by selecting the applicable response from the dropdown menu. If a statement is not true in relation to you, select 'False' and provide information explaining your answer in the free text field.
    • Pay fees: on the payment page, click the 'Pay renewal fees' button then the link to VIEW your shopping cart (not update it). A confirmation email will be sent to the email address on your account record after you complete payment. 
  3. Sign out after completing payment.
  4. Download proof of registration: sign back into your account, click on the button 'Download proof of registration', click on the Adobe icon and save the downloaded letter.

Need help?

  • TROUBLESHOOTING SIGN IN: if your account page does not open, try opening an incognito window in the Chrome internet browser, paste into the web address area, then sign in via the incognito window.
  • TROUBLESHOOTING PAYMENT: if you encounter problems after you click the 'Pay renewal fees' button, please sign out then back into your account page. When you're signed in again, please click on the shopping cart icon at top right - it should contain your payment and you should be able to pay from that page.
If you still need help renewing, please view our renewal resources and FAQs or complete our contact form.